Sunday, March 20th 2005

direction shepherd's bush
a man told me: walking
past me, going wrong


what looks like spring
through a window
is bitter cold outside

Dillo Fenderson

brighton is full of clocks
but none is showing
the right time


Saturday, March 19th 2005

a day in brighton:
gay parade and
wobbled through completely


learning involves
a part of the brain
i obviously don't have


next door neighbor
weirdest creature, capable
of language i've ever heard


seeing is believing
great britain really has
a border to the sea


Thursday, March 17th 2005

judging by people's looks
sitting on a fence
is the strangest thing to do

Dillo Fenderson

stumps covereed in cloth
lining the field
like ghosts of soldiers

Dillo Fenderson

depending on the area
5 to 99 % of the people around you
are mentally instable
