Sunday, April 27th 2014
i was never too keen
to know how the biking dead
would look like
er sitzt da
wie ein mahnmal für die
verhungerte katze
Saturday, April 26th 2014
every bite
sounds like
a raindrop
Friday, April 25th 2014
a face of an angel
a mind of pure evil
all those nonsensical sentences
never created anything
more precious than obsidian
Tuesday, April 22nd 2014
cereals, chewing gum, what's next?
the supermarket is guilty of
mass extinction of my favorite foods.
Monday, April 21st 2014
holidays are a suicide
mission, we eat
ourselves to death
Saturday, April 19th 2014
the lack of
caterpillars in my hair is
somewhat surprising
Tuesday, April 15th 2014
ein mädl mit einer
midlife crisis und
ein wohnzimmer
Monday, April 14th 2014
the sky looks
like it might burst into tears
any second