Dillo Fenderson, 2016
Friday, May 20th 2016

sitting in the garden
is the single most effective
countermeasure to global warming

Dillo Fenderson

to the rescue
of all the others

Dillo Fenderson

Thursday, May 19th 2016

caps lock
the password

Dillo Fenderson

Monday, May 16th 2016

the knobs' positions
are a closely guarded
trade secret

Dillo Fenderson

Sunday, May 15th 2016

bei einer

Dillo Fenderson

Thursday, May 12th 2016

my knee
the weather

Dillo Fenderson

Friday, May 6th 2016

I prefer food
that doesn't consist
to 110% of fat

Dillo Fenderson

they survived
the night

Dillo Fenderson

Thursday, May 5th 2016

talks like a German
looks like a Dutch
walks like a French

Dillo Fenderson

Wednesday, May 4th 2016

overcoming my fear
I have moved
to Ireland

Dillo Fenderson