April 2010
Thursday, April 29th 2010

i may be quick
but i still don't believe
498 km/h

Dillo Fenderson

being in a hurry
is a bad condition
when looking for caches

Dillo Fenderson

Wednesday, April 28th 2010

Können grüne Frösche
schwarz sein? Sonst
ist ein neuer Spitzname fällig.


morbidly obesed woman
feeding their also obesed
offspring with cheap sugar

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Sunday, April 25th 2010

their voices fill
the air like a bomb's
explosion wave


jumping from
invisibility to invisibility
in the blink of an eye


die unterhaltung mit
"ronni urini" war bar
jedes verständnisses

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Saturday, April 24th 2010

i probably chose the wrong route
when the gradient shows a higher
figure than the temperature


Friday, April 23rd 2010

those who study
social behavior
know least about it


taking a breath
isn't worth the effort
just to prolong my life

Dillo Fenderson