August 2010
Tuesday, August 31st 2010

wir leben in einer
bananenrepublik in der
es auch noch kalt ist

Mrs. Bigglesworth

i want to
pay for gas
prior pumping


unless i fly back to denver;
the next summer
is 10 month away


Monday, August 30th 2010

die wolken haben
die selbe farbe
wie der milleniums turm


a good soundtrack
makes a boring setting
much more bearable

Dillo Fenderson

maybe his similarity to goldfish
isn't his short memory span
but his love for water?

Dillo Fenderson

we have
an air breathing

Dillo Fenderson

Sunday, August 29th 2010

dear society, i´m
sorry not to be in
your target groups

Mrs. Bigglesworth

oesterreichische autofahrer:
trotz globaler demenz
immer noch mobil


Saturday, August 28th 2010

they are too big
for their clothes, still
they continue eating
