March 2011
Monday, March 21st 2011

Zwei Kinder:
der eine macht nur Unfug,
der andere macht ihm alles nach.

Dillo Fenderson

barefoot on the tile floor
i feel the cold seep through me
until i'm all goosebumps


being on my sixth turn
to be build from scratch,
i wonder if i'm still me


after restocking my
carbohydrate pool
i'm far more relaxed


Sunday, March 20th 2011

he stares through
my flesh and my bones
right into my soul


it returned painfully
into mind that i´m only a
two-legged species

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Saturday, March 19th 2011

bold font, double underlined,
10 exclamation marks
"i hate people"


Friday, March 18th 2011

der trick mit der
funktioniert jedesmal


Thursday, March 17th 2011

als "klassischer amtsfehler"
bezeichnet zu werden,
bringt einem nicht nach vorn

Mrs. Bigglesworth

on this rainy day
the metaphorical sun
is shining on me

Dillo Fenderson