Tuesday, October 8th 2013

the psychic medium
brushes her teeth, so the future
at least doesn't smell stale


I didn't
even need
an excuse

Dillo Fenderson

Monday, October 7th 2013

I was never
a fan of the
human pyramid

Dillo Fenderson

the weather's too bad
the stairs are on their way
the airbus 340 is too long


after decades of flying
they finally
found the surgical blade


Sunday, October 6th 2013

my cat is
worse than
any stalker


after listening to CD1
for days, i finally managed
to put CD2 in the player


the good news is,
it's not freezing;
the bad: it's raining

Dillo Fenderson

Saturday, October 5th 2013

the capability of language
to describe things
is yet to be discovered

Dillo Fenderson

Friday, October 4th 2013

these ice cubes
are warmer
than me

Dillo Fenderson