Friday, August 30th 2013

asking for the elevator
got roaring laughter
from all present

Dillo Fenderson

i am glad i grew up
in a less densely
populated world


Thursday, August 29th 2013

one advantage
of fall: it's
cold enough for tea

Dillo Fenderson

without reason
I turned into
a human alarm clock

Dillo Fenderson

Wednesday, August 28th 2013

er kapierts nicht mal
wenn der Zaunpfahl
ihn erschlägt

Dillo Fenderson

wien hat 1.7 Millionen
tickende zeitbomben.
weichen wir ihnen aus


Tuesday, August 27th 2013

none of the three
even considers offering
something to me

Dillo Fenderson

Monday, August 26th 2013

i'm wearing a shirt,
and it ain't
even september yet


who's eating
milk with
knife and fork?

Dillo Fenderson

going hungry
would've been
the better choice

Dillo Fenderson