Saturday, July 6th 2013

fat kids
concerned about
their hair-do


seventy percent
of way too little
is not enough

Dillo Fenderson

I simply
do not

Dillo Fenderson

Friday, July 5th 2013

so much more
than three kinds
of chocolate

Dillo Fenderson

waiting for a green light
turns you
into a road block

Dillo Fenderson

the only place
that's more fun
when crowded

Dillo Fenderson

all their loudspeakers
are still no match
for the screaming children

Dillo Fenderson

Thursday, July 4th 2013

ich geh jetzt los und
toete am helllichten tag einen
medizinischen Wissenschaftler


phone booths
kept alive by
the sex trade

Dillo Fenderson

das Boot ist leck
es rinnt
der Sand heraus

Dillo Fenderson